Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and how does it occur?
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a disease of modern times. Today's lifestyle leads to a decrease in physical activity, improper posture, and long-term keeping of the hands in a uniform, forced position. Initially, it is manifested by changes in sensation, followed by tingling, stinging or burning sensations in the first three fingers of the hand, very often during night. In this condition, there is pressure on the n. median (central nerve) in the carpal tunnel above the wrist. Pressure on this nerve can cause several pathological conditions, as well as constant (repetitive) movements of the fingers and hand. All of this leads to a narrowing of the space where the medial nerve is located, resulting in its damage. Mechanical pressure on this nerve can also occur as a result of post-traumatic conditions. Professional damage, as well as degenerative changes on the joints can additionally lead to the mentioned syndrome. Surgery, in most cases, leads to the elimination of problems.
When does Carpal Tunnel Syndrome occur?
This disease is often found in certain professions, such as construction workers, typists, hairdressers, and in recent times it appears very often in people who work on computers. It occurs more often in women than in men, especially between the ages of 40 and 50. The best results are achieved in patients who start treatment in the early stages of this disease, and that is why it's necessary to conduct an examination at the appearance of the first signs, and start treatment as early as possible.

Diagnostics and treatment of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
During the clinical examination in our Center, with the help of specialized clinical tests, suspicion of this syndrome will be raised and the existence of a disorder of sensation, movement or weakness of the hand muscles will be defined. Sometimes, additional diagnostic processing is required before possible surgery, in the form of an electrophysiological examination (EMNG), performed by a neurologist or a physiatrist. Once the diagnosis is made, and in agreement with the patient, a decision on further treatment will be made, which is most often surgical treatment.
The procedure is performed by an experienced specialist with direct visualization of the nerve, and is performed through a short surgical incision at the base of the palm. The surgical procedure is performed on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia, with the use of minimally invasive techniques, and after the procedure, the patient leaves for home treatment on the same day. The procedure takes about 30 minutes in total.
After the procedure, a bandage is applied, and finger movements are allowed and recommended. It is necessary to spare the hand from physical work. At the first check-up, the bandage is reduced, and the stitches are removed after 12 to 15 days. After that, it is necessary to carry out physical therapy. Disturbed sensation and numbness in the majority of cases disappear in a short time, although it is possible that the symptoms last longer, depending on the duration of the symptoms and the degree of damage to the nerve fibers before the procedure. Sometimes it takes several months for a complete recovery and the disappearance of all symptoms. However, with appropriate physical therapy, hand grip and finger mobility return within 3-4 months.
Despite the measures taken, complications are possible, although rare. During the first examination, the doctor will familiarize you with all possible complications and precautions.