
Total Hip Replacement

Centres of Excellence -> Orthopedic Surgery & Sports Medicine -> Total Hip Replacement

Total Hip Replacement

Total hip endoprosthesis implantation is one of the most common and most successful surgeries in modern orthopedics. Modern technology of the construction of the endoprosthesis, quality biomaterials and advanced surgical techniques enable a fat postoperative recovery and total absence of pain present prior to the surgery. Rehabilitation of the musculature and bigger range of mobility in the operated joint return mobility and doing routine everyday activities without crutches or cane, while younger patients can successfully do casual sports activities with some limitations.

Hip endoprosthesis can be divided on cemented and uncemented. Uncemented endoprosthesis imitate surface of the bone with their rough surface which enables the ingrowth of the bone in the endoprosthesis. Special cement is used in cemented endoprosthesis which forms a rigid layer between the bone and surface of the endoprosthesis.

When choosing the type of endoprosthesis, every patient is approached in a personalized manner taking into account many factors. Some of those are: age, degree of hip joint damage, anatomical characteristics, expected degree of physical activity, medical history and prior surgeries.

Generally, uncemented endoprostheses are implanted in younger patients with sufficient bone quality which will ingrow in the endoprosthesis and achieve rigidity. This type of endoprosthesis is implanted in most of our patients.

In older patients and patients with inadequate bone quality (mostly osteoporosis), we implant the cemented endoprosthesis. The patient's age is not strictly defined and is only one of the factors determining the endoprosthesis type.

The type of material use for certain parts of the endoprostheses depends on many factors. Every material has its characteristics and indications.

Our patient started working with two crutches and physiotherapist supervision the first day after the surgery. Besides, they perform strength exercise and stretching of the musculature as well as the learning movements that are allowed in the early post-operative period. Four days after the surgery patients are discharged from the hospital and they continue intensive rehabilitation in our polyclinic in Zagreb or Zabok. Three weeks after surgery, most of her patients begin walking with only one crutch (in the arm opposite of the leg that underwent surgery).

Six months after surgery, it is forbidden to lift heavy weights and do sudden rotation moves in the operated joint.

Play rehabilitation enables a quick recovery and return to daily activities for most patients in 4 to 8 weeks. Six weeks after surgery the patient comes for a control examination. The next examination is in three months, then six months, after which control examinations are done once a year.

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