Individualized & Preventive Medicine
The goal of the Center is to implement the latest knowledge of molecular medicine for the purpose of early diagnostics and to design optimal therapy in accordance with the specificity of the genome of each individual. Personalized medicine as a form of health care will completely change the medicine we know today and it represents a completely new form in creating an individualized approach in treatment in order to avoid adverse therapeutic effects and to make treatment as effective as possible.
It is necessary to keep in mind the data published by the leading American medical journal JAMA, which points out that annually in the United States alone more than 2 million hospitalized patients have serious harmful side effects after taking the drug, while more than 100,000 die because of it. The only way to prevent such drug side effects is to determine the genetic predisposition for developing unexpected reactions to the applied drug and consequently to individualize pharmacotherapy.
Quality health care begins with a regular annual screening aimed at early detection of risk factors for the development of chronic diseases and for their timely and successful treatment. A personalized approach to diagnostics and timely treatment begins with a regular screening examination. In our hospital you can, at one place and without waiting, do your regular screening examination following all the principles of individualized medicine, with the top team of physicians and the most modern diagnostic equipment at your disposal.
What can you expect from us?
- Personal approach and counseling on how to acquire, preserve and improve your health and reduce the risk of chronic ilnesses
- Education in adopting a healthier lifestyle,
- Help in understanding the relationship between genetic variation and disease onset,
- Education regarding the optimal selection as well as the optimal drug dosage in accordance with the genome analysis of each indiviudal in order to avoid its adverse effects,
- Analysis of glycans (sugars) involved in protein modification to determine your biological age in relation to chronological age
- All services in one place