
Application of Mesenchymal Stem Cells from Adipose Tissue

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Application of Mesenchymal Stem Cells from Adipose Tissue

Application of mesenchymal stem cells from adipose tissue

  • Modern and innovative form of treatment
  • Avoiding radical surgery
  • No long recovery periods
  • The patient leaves the hospital on the same day
  • Saving time and money

    The procedure "Application of mesenchymal stem cells from adipose tissue" uses modern technology that processes autologous cells of adipose tissue for the purpose of treating injuries or damage to a specific tissue. The microfragmented adipose tissue obtained by this procedure is injected into parts of the body where there is an indication in order to stimulate regenerative processes and thus healing. Do you want to avoid radical surgery? Arrange your examination appointment and find out if you are a candidate for the procedure!

    Potential of adipose tissue

    The importance of adipose tissue is best illustrated by the fact that one gram of adipose tissue has up to 500 times more pluripotent stem cells than bone marrow. Stem cells and pericytes (Rouget cells) obtained from adipose tissue, according to the latest knowledge, have great potential in cartilage repair, bone regeneration, arthritis treatment, tendon healing, and their most common application in orthopedics is in the treatment of degenerative changes in large joints.

    See for yourself the potential of adipose tissue! Contact us with confidence!

    According to the available literature, mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have several important functions, among which are the release of the so-called trophic factors that, among other things, prevent cell death (apoptosis) as well as the formation of scar tissue, stimulate the formation of new blood vessels and have a mitogenic effect for tissue-specific progenitors, which can ultimately lead to the repair of damaged tissue or even a regenerative effect. Pericytes (PCs) have similar effects, which can modulate the immune response and have a multipotent ability to differentiate (similar to MSCs), as well as the ability to modulate the inflammatory response (preventing an overly aggressive immune response), but also play an important role in vasculogenesis (the development of new blood vessels during embryogenesis) and angiogenesis (formation of new blood vessels from existing ones). Recently published works suggest that MSCs mainly arise from perivascular cells, pericytes (PC) (2). Human adipose (fat) stem cells (hASCs), which are taken from the patient during the application of mesenchymal stem cells from adipose tissue, in accordance with the principles of the "point of care" model, and after separating the so-called "stromal vascular fractions" re-injected into the patient have potential in the treatment of various clinical conditions.

    Personalised medicine, which includes cell therapy and regenerative medicine, has been gaining momentum in recent years. The European Commission founded the International Consortium of Personalized Medicine (ICPerMed), and the Republic of Croatia founded the Croatian Competitiveness Cluster of Personalized Medicine, of which the St. Catherine Specialty Hospital is also a member.

    Are you interested in all the potential of fatty tissue and how to use it? Contact us with confidence via our contact form.

    Application of Mesenchymal Stem Cells from Adipose Tissue

    Clinical study

    Guided by the most modern diagnostic and treatment methods, in the St. Catherine Specialty Hospital a clinical study was conducted that included a therapeutic procedure applied to 17 patients with osteoarthritis of the knee. The procedure involved liposuction and physical manipulation of adipose tissue to obtain microfragmented adipose tissue containing the stromal vascular fraction (SVF). The stromal vascular fraction is rich in numerous cells, including MSCs, pericytes, endothelial progenitor cells, T lymphocytes, B lymphocytes, mast cells, macrophages, etc.

    The SVF obtained in accordance with the principles of "point of care" was immediately applied to the joints with the aim of stimulating regenerative processes in bone and cartilage tissue. The assessment of the patients' condition was done at different time intervals: before the application of the therapy and three, six and twelve months after the therapy. In assessing the condition, the visual analog scale (VAS) of pain at rest and movement, measurement of CRP in the blood, the MRI method of cartilage imaging with a contrast agent (dGEMRIC) which indirectly showed the amount of glycosaminoglycans (GAG) in the cartilage and the glycosylation profile of IgG antibodies from blood and synovial fluid as a very sensitive biomarker of acute and chronic inflammation, were used to assess the condition.

    The results obtained with the dGEMRIC method indicate that this therapeutic method led to a statistically significant increase in GAG concentration. Accordingly, the results of our study suggest that the application of autologous microfragmented adipose tissue with a stromal vascular fraction in patients with OA leads to an increase in GAG in hyaline cartilage, which is consequently accompanied by a reduction in pain and an improvement in the mobility of the observed patients. In addition, during the study, no statistically significant changes in the share of individual N-glycans were found in the analysis of IgG glycomes in blood and synovial fluid taken at different time intervals. The results of blood IgG glycome analyzes support the fact that the increase in GAG levels was due to the local application of the therapy, without a systematic change in the IgG glycome profile. Also, the analysis of the N-glycan profile of IgG from blood and synovial fluid proved that local and systemic inflammatory responses do not develop with the use of this therapy.

    Application of mesenchymal stem cells from adipose tissue

    An increasing number of people suffer from numerous diseases of the musculoskeletal system, among which osteoarthritis is the most common disease today. Osteoarthritis (degenerative arthritis, degenerative joint disease) is a chronic joint disease characterized by degeneration of joint cartilage and surrounding bone, which causes systemic pain and stiffness in the patient.

    It is in the interest of almost every patient to postpone radical surgery and find a less radical option or access a minimally invasive surgical procedure.

    The application procedure of mesenchymal stem cells from adipose tissue uses the most modern technology that processes autologous adipose tissue cells for the purpose of treating injuries or damage to specific tissue. The microfragmented adipose tissue obtained by this procedure is injected into parts of the body where there is an indication in order to stimulate regenerative processes and thus healing.

    Did you know that your own tissue can help you heal and that you can return to your activities in a very short time, which you stopped doing because of an advanced disease? In order to find out all the information first hand, make an appointment in St. Catherine Specialty Hospital.

    The therapeutic procedure "application of mesenchymal stem cells from adipose tissue" optimizes the use of fat cells in order to stimulate the natural process of regeneration and healing. This procedure was awarded in 2016 as the best new technology in sports medicine by top medical experts from leading institutions in the USA.

    Treatment with the application of mesenchymal stem cells from adipose tissue in St. Catherine Specialty Hospital has been applied since November 2015. The procedure is also applied by other world centers such as the best American orthopedic hospital, Hospital for Special Surgery, Cleveland Clinic, Institute of Regenerative and Molecular Orthopedics, USA, Image Medical Spa, Italy, Lipogems, a company that has initiated scientific cooperation with a number of centers, including Case Western Reserve University, USA (Prof. Dr. A. Caplan), Orthopedics and Trauma Division, Azienda-Ospedaliera Universita di Modena, Universita di Modena a Reggio Emilia, Italy (Prof. Dr. F. Catalani), Center for Regenerative Medicine, Edinburgh, University of California, USA (Prof. Dr. B. Peault), Division of Cellular Transplantation, Department of Surgery and Diabetes Research Institute, University of Miami, USA (Dr. C. Ricordi), Laboratory of Molecular Biology and Stem Cell Engineering, Universita di Bologna (Prof. Dr. C. Ventura) and a number of others.

    Avoid radical surgery and discover the power of fat tissue! Make an appointment!

    Procedure „Application of Mesenchymal Stem Cells from Adipose Tissue“

    Description of the procedure "Application of mesenchymal stem cells from adipose tissue“

    The patient who is treated with this procedure at St. Catherine Specialty Hospital first uses special magnetic resonance imaging techniques to determine the initial state of the joint, the thickness of the cartilage and the level of key markers (collagen type II and proteoglycans) that depict the work of cartilage cells (chondrocytes). Similar measurements will be made a few months after the application of stem cells.

    If you are a candidate for the mentioned procedure, orthopedic surgeon will aspirate a small portion of your fat tissue, and the collected fat tissue will be processed in a special system that contains a sterile salt solution. During the micro-fragmentation process, the fat is washed and processed into smaller fragments, where all the essential cellular components that stimulate regenerative processes remain, while cellular impurities such as blood, cell debris and oils are removed. Your doctor will then inject the obtained mixture of microfragmented fatty tissue into your joint(s) or another targeted treatment site.

    Additional simplicity of the procedure is provided by the application of local anesthesia (you do not need to fall asleep) and the procedure is performed in a very short time (approximately one hour). The recovery time after the application of mesenchymal stem cells from adipose tissue is extremely fast.

    Are you a candidate for application of mesenchymal stem cells from adipose tissue?

    • If your doctor determines the application of stem cells as an option for your treatment
    • If you suffer from an injury or illness that limits normal functioning or physical activity
    • You have painful joints with limited mobility, such as knees, ankles or shoulders
    • You have an injury to soft tissues – tendons, ligaments and/or muscles (in order to restore them to function, these deficiencies may require tissue regeneration as well as symptom relief and support)
    • If the treatment procedures were not effective (physical therapy, anti-inflammatory drugs)
    • If you decide to be treated with the application of mesenchymal stem cells from fat tissue as a minimally invasive alternative to radical surgical intervention

      Want to find out if you are a candidate for the procedure? Arrange an appointment using our contact form.

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