Intravesical Drug Delivery
Intravesical drug delivery represents an innovative therapeutic method used in urology for treating various conditions of the urinary bladder, involving the direct application of medications into the interior of the bladder through a catheter. This approach enables targeted drug delivery directly to the target area, resulting in more efficient and rapid effectiveness.
When is this method used?
The intravesical administration of medications is often used in the treatment of various urological conditions, including:
• Interstitial cystitis - a condition characterized by inflammation of the bladder, causing pain, discomfort, and frequent urination.
• Bladder cancer - it is used as a medication application that can help prevent tumor recurrence.
• Neurogenic bladder dysfunction - a condition that arises from nerve damage controlling the bladder, and intravesical therapy can help improve bladder function.
Advantages of intravesical therapy
• Targeted action: The medication is applied directly to the target area, increasing effectiveness and reducing side effects.
• Rapid onset: Since the medication does not need to pass through the digestive system, therapy results are often faster.
• Reduced side effects: Local administration of the medication decreases the risk of systemic side effects.