Centres of Excellence -> Urology -> Double JJ Stent Placement or Replacement

Double JJ Stent Placement or Replacement

Placement or replacement of a JJ stent are routine medical procedures commonly performed in the field of urology to maintain normal urine flow in the urinary system. A JJ stent, also known as a double J-stent, is a flexible tube with characteristic curved ends designed to ensure the stability of the stent within the ureter and prevent its unwanted migration towards the bladder or kidney.

What does the procedure involve? 

These procedures are typically performed under general anesthesia or local anesthesia with sedation, depending on the patient's needs. The procedure involves precisely guiding the ureteral tube through the urethra to properly position the stent in the correct position.

In which cases is placement or replacement of JJ stent necessary? 

The use of JJ stents is often indicated in cases of blockages, strictures, or other pathologies that may hinder normal urine flow in the urinary system. These stents are also frequently used after surgical procedures on the kidneys, such as surgeries to remove kidney stones or tumors, to ensure unobstructed tissue healing and prevent potential blockage of urine flow.

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