Preparation for Colonoscopy
Colonoscopy is a safe, efficient method for visual examination of intestinal mucosa, by means of ionsertin a long, flexible, pipe-like instrument (colonoscope), which contains a little camera at its end.
3-4 days before the colonoscopy: Report to Your family physician and ask him to give You a prescription for MOVIPREP
(colon-cleansing agent) or acquire it in a Pharmacy using a private prescription. Reduce ingestion of solid and greasy food and increase the intake of liquid food and drink 1.5-2 L of other liquids.
2 days before the colonoscopy: Eat easily digested food, preferrably mushy. Omit meat from diet and eat food that does not cause stomach swelling.
IF THE TESTING IS MADE IN THE MORNING HOURS (for example between 10-11 AM)
Day before the testing: 8 AM – light breakfast, 1 PM light lunch
MOVIPREP – procedure in separated doses 1.dose: 7-8 PM, day before the testing
(Dillute one bag of sollutions A and B each in 1 L of water. Drink 2 dl of prepared sollution every 15 minutes)
2. dose: 5-6 AM, day of testing
(Dillute one bag of sollutions A and B each in 1 L of water. Drink 2 dl of prepared sollution every 15 minutes)
Between the doses and after the second dose, patient should drink also about 2 L of clear liquid (sweetened tea, water, clear juice, Donat water) and refrain from taking any solid food, milk or cloudy juices. During the preparations, patient should walk arround as much as possible to induce the faster and better movements of the colon.
The consumption of second dose should end 4-5 hours before the time of examination. Patients taking the anticoagulants (medications against blood clotting, such as Warfarin, Marivarin, Martefarin...) should consult their doctor concerning the necessity and possibility to skip the medication before the colonoscopy. Generally, if only the colonoscopy with or without biopsy is planned, it is not necessary to skip Martefarin provided that the values of PV_INR measured not more than seven days before the colonoscopy stay inside the therapeutic range. We advize patients to undergo PV_INR testing 1-2 days before the colonoscopy and present the results to their gastroenterologist who will estimate if the testing is possible. At the day of testing, it would be preferrable not to take any antiagreggation therapy. Patients taking the preparations of acetyl-syalicilate (Andol, Aspirin, Acisal) and/or clopidogrel (Zyllt, Pigrel ...) should consult their physicians about the necessity of omitting one or both medications before the colonoscopy. Generally, if only the colonoscopy with or without biopsy is planned, it is not necessary to skip Aspirin or Clopidogrel before the colonoscopy. Patients taking antirheumatics should stop using them 5 days before the testing, if possible. Patients suffering from the cardiac valvular disease should, in some cases, take antibiotic before the gastroscopy, which also requires a consultation witheir physician If jusr gastroscopy is planned, with no endoscopic interventions, the antimicrobial prophylaxis is not required.
Diabetics: Insulin and antidiabetic oral therapy are mostly not to be taken at the day of testing, but that should also be discussed with the personal physican.
Other prescribed therapy (cardiac, antihypertensives, etc.) can be taken in the morning together with a glass of water. Before the gastroscopy, it is obligatory to inform the attending gastroenterologist about diseases You suffer from and also about the types of drugs and herbal medications that You take.
- Laboratory tests: CBC, Na, K, blood glucose, creatinin, PV, APTV, fibrinogen, biochemical urine testing
- All the previous medical documentation
- Don’t take anything orally during the last 6 hours before the testing.
You will be examined by gastroenterologist (anaesthesiologist) right before the procedure itself, so its is necessary to inform him about the diseases You have suffered from and types of drugs/herbal medications that You have taken.