Centres of Excellence -> Spine Health -> Insertion of the interspinous implant

Insertion of the interspinous implant

Insertion of the interspinous implant is a minimally invasive surgical procedure on the lumbar spine with the aim of indirectly widening the spinal canal, especially on the level of the neural foramina, as well as achieving dynamic stabilization of the vertebral segment.

This procedure is advised in the following degenerative lumbar spine diseases: dominantly soft tissue spinal stenosis, degenerative diseases of the intervertebral disc with chronic uncurable low back pain and with recurrent or voluminous herniation of the intervertebral disc. With recurrent or voluminous herniation of the intervertebral disc, this procedure is an addition to the basic procedure of discectomy which reduces the risk of recurrent disc herniations and improves the stability of the dynamic vertebral segment.

The surgery is done while the patient is lying on his or her stomach through a small cut of the skin and minimal separation of the paravertebral musculature. The implant is inserted and strengthened in the area between the two spinous processes in a way which depends on the type of implant used. The wound is closed with standard surgical procedure.

The therapeutic effect of this operation is individual. Most patients relieve themselves of difficulties long term, but a small percentage of patients can experience the recurrence of difficulties.

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