Centres of Excellence -> Ophthalmology -> Treatment of inflammation of the uveal system (uveitis)

Treatment of inflammation of the uveal system (uveitis)

What is inflammation of the uveal system (uveitis)?

Uveitis is an inflammation of the uveal system, which is a collective name for the iris, ciliary body and choroid. The iris is most often inflamed, often accompanied by inflammation of the ciliary body. Most cases have no known cause, but known causes include autoimmune diseases, various infections and trauma.

What are the symptoms of uveitis?

Symptoms are decreased vision, pain, redness and photophobia. Uveitis is anatomically divided into anterior, middle, posterior and diffuse. The anterior one affects only the anterior segment of the eye (inflammation of the anterior chamber and the anterior part of the vitreous), the middle one affects the vitreous and the posterior one affects the retina and choroid.

Treatment of inflammation of the uveal system?

Active inflammation is treated with locally applied corticosteroid drops and ointments and injections, along with a locally applied mydriatic. Severe cases must be treated with systemic corticosteroids and immunosuppressants.

If the cause of uveitis is an infection, it is necessary to treat it with antibiotics, antiviral medicines, with or without corticosteroids. Various medicines have an anti-inflammatory effect, e.g. corticosteroids, cyclosporine A in the form of eye drops, tacrolimus, lifitegrast, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medicines, systemic tetracyclines and their analogues (doxycycline), local and systemic macrolides (azithromycin) and daily intake of omega-3 fatty acids.

Uveitis is a rare, but serious eye inflammation. If repeated, it can cause chronic tissue changes, retinal edema, scarring and eventually low vision and blindness. By treating uveitis, we try to remove inflammation, relieve pain, prevent further tissue damage and restore lost visual acuity.

When to seek medical help?

In case of sudden pain, sudden loss or worsening of vision, increasing swelling, damage to the eye or feeling like you have a foreign body in your eye, contact your doctor. Doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment or refer you to an ophthalmologist. If the sensation of dry eyes occurs often or even every day, we recommend visiting an ophthalmologist. He will determine the cause of dry eye disease and prescribe appropriate therapy. Conjunctivitis is usually treated by a personal physician and only in extremely severe cases by an ophthalmologist. If the cornea has suffered minor damage due to keratitis, treatment will not be necessary, but a visit to an ophthalmologist can certainly help.

If you need an ophthalmological examination, contact us with confidence and arrange your appointment.

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