
Requesting an Appointment

International patients can request an appointment at St. Catherine Specialty Hospital with the online form (below). A representatives from St. Catherine international appointment offices will respond to your request within two business days.

In most cases, a physician referral is not necessary to set up an appointment. 

Patients or their physicians also may request an appointment by email, phone or fax. 

Request an Appointment*

International appointment offices

St. Catherine in Zabok
+385 49 296 600
+385 49 296 694
Office hours: 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. (Eastern time), Monday through Friday

St. Catherine in Zagreb
+385 1 2867 400
+385 1 2867 499
Office hours: 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. (Eastern time), Monday through Friday

Required information

When arranging an appointment, please provide:

  • the patient's name as it appears on the passport (last, first, middle)
  • patient's gender
  • patient's address
  • patient's date of birth
  • direct patient's telephone number
  • direct patient's fax number
  • patient's email address (if available)
  • a brief explanation of the current medical problem (in English)
  • the preferred date of appointment
  • whether the patient will need an interpreter, and if so, in what language

Efficient scheduling

In most cases, St. Catherine physicians provide both diagnosis and treatment within the same patient visit. Doctors usually can report diagnostic test results to patients one or two days after testing is completed. The schedule of appointments for tests, physician consultation and treatment can often be compressed into a short period for international patients. This means less time away from home, less expenses and more efficient use of patients' and family members' time.

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