Team of Experts -> Prof. Igor Borić, M.D., Ph.D.

Prof. Igor Borić, M.D., Ph.D.

Radiologist, Hospital Director

Prof. Igor Borić, M.D., Ph.D. is a radiologist who completed subspecialty training in musculoskeletal radiology. He serves as assistant professor of radiology at University of Split School of Medicine, University of Rijeka School of Medicine and at University of Applied Health Sciences in Zagreb, Croatia. He has particular interest in musculoskeletal radiology, sports medicine and sports injury imaging, cartilage disorders especially in early phase detection of disorders as well as in cartilage regeneration.

He authored close to fifty scientific papers and abstracts published in journals cited in Current Contents, Science Citation Index as well as in other indices. Prof. Borić is author of chapters in tree books published by the European Society of Musculoskeletal Radiology, chapter in book „Overuse injuries“ published by CRC Press, Boca Raton, USA, and many chapters in other medical books and textbooks in Croatia. He is member of Croatian Medical Association from 1991, Croatian Society of Radiology from 1994, Croatian Medical Chamber from 1997, European Society of Radiology – ESR from 1995, European Society of Musculoskeletal Radiology where he is an active member of its Sports Imaging Subcommittee from 2007. He was Executive Committee member of the European Society of Musculoskeletal Radiology in 2004/05, and Scientific Board member of European Society of Radiology (2012-2014). His leadership skills came across during organization of several international meetings and courses in Croatia: European Seminar on Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology in 1998, The British Royal College Visiting Course in 2000, Sports Imaging Course of European Society of Musculoskeletal Radiology in 2007, The Outreach Course of International Skeletal Society in 2016.

Prof. Borić gave more than 100 invited lectures on different international courses and conferences. As a member of Croatian Olympic Committee Health Commission, prof. Borić took a part in five Olympic games where he was a medical chief officer of Croatian National Olympic team during three Olympics. He curranty holds position of Hospital Director of the Specialty Hospital St. Catherine in Croatia.

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Testimonial - Vedran Prelogović
Vedran Prelogović
Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Reconstruction and Partial Knee Replacement

St. Catherine Specialty Hospital is known as one of the best health care institutions in Croatia. My experience so far with medical staff, physicians and service provided confirms this. I first came to the Hospital in May last year because of a problem with my right knee (pain, difficulty walking). After MRI and the first diagnosis made by prof. Igor Borić, M.D., Ph.D., Radiologist and Hospital Director, I got in touch with Željko Jeleč, M.D., Ph.D., Orthopedic Surgeon. Dr. Jeleč explained the details of the surgical procedure and the course of recovery to me in a professional and simple way. I would like to point out that dr. Jeleč is very attentive and professional, and he made the whole process in the period before and after that operation much easier with his calmness and humanity.

Knee surgery (anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction and partial knee replacement) was performed in January. Thanks to the extremely friendly, approachable and professional medical staff (nurses and doctors) the five-day stay in the Hospital was very pleasant, which I consider extremely important because they made my fear and anxiety disappear quickly.

I started physical therapy and rehabilitation seven days after surgery with Jelena Kelemen, bacc. physioth. Jelena is attentive, calm, patient and professional, and she helped me a lot to start walking without crutches very soon, to return to my daily activities and to recover towards the desired goal. I would also like to praise other physiotherapists, especially Ivana Glavač, bacc. physioth. with whom I was doing physical therapy for a while.

BIG 'THANK YOU' to the medical staff of St. Catherine Specialty Hospital for everything provided!

The patient underwent the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction and partial knee replacement, whereby these two, otherwise standardly separate procedures, were performed for the first time in St. Catherine during the same operation. The surgery was performed by Željko Jeleč, M.D., Ph.D., Orthopedic Surgeon.



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