
We are introducing prof. Mihael Skerlev, M.D., Ph.D., dermatovenereologist specialist, subspecialist in pediatric dermatology

Prof. Mihael Skerlev, M.D., Ph.D. joined the team of the Center for Dermatology of St. Catherine in 2024

Prof. Mihael Skerlev, M.D., Ph.D. was born in Zagreb, Croatia. Additionally educated at the Department of  Dermatology on Harvard University mostly with J.S. Dover  and R.A. Johnson. 

His primary areas of work include dermatological mycology and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), particularly HPV-related genital infections. His specific areas of activity encompass HPV-related genital infections, infections caused by the fungus Microsporum canis, as well as the cultivation of Malassezia furfur (Pityrosporum ovale).

Prof. Skerlev is a member of numerous Societyes and Boards of restigious professional international forums within the scope of their specific field of expertise. Prof. Skerlev hold honorary membership in various societies and serve on the Editorial Boards of reputable international professional and scientific journals.

Read more at: prof. Mihael Skerlev, M.D., Ph.D., dermatovenereologist specialist, subspecialist in pediatric dermatology

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