
Modern technologies for the Hospital of the future

Total project valueAmount co-financed by the EU
HRK 1.491.858,93
HRK 956.708,30

Project implementation periodProject manager

01/15/2020. - 04/15/2021.

Prof. Igor Borić, M.D., Ph.D.

Project coordinator

St. Catherine Specialty Hospital

Project summary
St. Catherine Specialty Hospital is a European center of excellence with a modern diagnostic, therapeutic and rehabilitation infrastructure and highly professional staff. The implementation of the project aims to further contribute to the excellence of its services and the growth of competitiveness in the market.

The project includes the development and introduction of specialized ICT solutions in the day-to-day operations of the Hospital, which will enable the optimization of business processes and integration of business functions while creating a basis for introducing new, innovative services, products and processes in St. Catherine.

Project goals

The implementation of the project plans to implement complete digitalization and virtualization of business, i.e. optimization of business processes and integration of business functions which will lead to the main goal of the project - increased competitiveness of St. Catherine Specialty Hospital in targeted markets.

Expected project results

  • Increasing the quality and scope of services intended for patients,
  • Increasing efficiency and business processes,
  • More efficient systematization, exchange and processing of data between departments,
  • More efficient planning of hospital operations and development,
  • Improving the organization of work,
  • Hiring new employees and
  • Increasing  sales revenue.

EU framework

The project in question was implemented on the basis of a call launched under the Operational Programme Competitiveness and Cohesion 2014 - 2020. financed by the European Regional Development Fund, within: 

  • Priority axes 3. Business competitiveness;
  • Investment Priority 3d - Support for building the capacity of SMEs to engage in the growth process in regional, national and international markets and innovation processes;
  • Specific objective 3d1 - Improved development and growth of SMEs in domestic and foreign markets;
  • Call for delivery of project proposals: Improving the competitiveness and efficiency of SMEs through information and communication technologies (ICT) -2.Poziva na dostavu projektnih prijedloga: Poboljšanje konkurentnosti i učinkovitosti MSP kroz informacijske i komunikacijske tehnologije (IKT)-2.

Contact us for more information:

Phone: +385 1 2867 400
Fax: +385 1 2867 499

Important links

Operational Programme Competitiveness and cohesion


Projekt je sufinancirala Europska unija iz Europskog fonda za regionalni razvoj,
Operativni program Konkurentnost i kohezija 2014.-2020.
Sadržaj internetske stranice isključiva je odgovornost Specijalne bolnice Sv. Katarina.

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