
A "Hands-on" educational workshop in aesthetic and regenerative gynecology was held in St. Catherine

Educational workshop on the topic of a holistic approach to intimate rejuvenation.

In the St. Catherine Specialty Hospital, the first and only regional educational center for aesthetic gynecology, successfully held the first of many "hands-on" educational workshops in aesthetic gynecology under the leadership of our Marko Kisić, M.D., Obstetrics And Gynecology Specialist, Human Reproduction Subspecialist in collaboration with Neauvia (products for a holistic approach to intimate area care). Dr. Marko Kisić is also one of the pioneers of aesthetic gynecology in Croatia.

In addition to our Marko Kisić, M.D., the workshops were attended by our Ivana Erceg Ivkošić, M.D. Ph.D. Assistant Professor, OBG Subspecialist in Gynecologic Endocrinology, Human Reproduction and Menopausal Medicine, mr sci. Stela Popi Kostić, specialist in gynecology and obstetrics from Novi Sad, Sanja Gršić-Burić, M.D., specialist in gynecology from Zagreb and Anđela Prolić, M.D. from Split.

The educational workshop consisted of a theoretical and practical part in which different approaches were dealt with, from the use of a radiofrequency device to the application of hyaluronic fillers and peeling/whitening of the intimate area in solving the problem of incontinence and intimate rejuvenation. In addition to aesthetics, the emphasis is also placed on functional problems, such as vaginal dryness, painful sexual intercourse. It is important to help our patients improve their quality of life which they often do not dare to talk about or do not know that there is a solution to these problems.

Feel free to contact us and make an appointment at phone number: + 385 1 2867 400 or by e-mail:

In the photo: Mr. sci. med. Stela Popi Kostić, Sanja Gršić-Burić, M.D., Ivana Erceg Ivkošić, M.D. Ph.D.  and Marko Kisić, M.D.

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