Vid Matišić, M.D.
Vid Matišić, M.D. joined the team of St. Catherine Specialty Hospital in February 2020.
He graduated from the University of Zagreb School of Medicine in 2019. During his studies dr. Matišić was a member of many student organizations and in that way, he had acquired various skills such as team management, public lecturing and of working in an interdisciplinary team. He was also a student assistant in the Department of Anatomy.
Vid Matišić, M.D. had done clinical internships in the Department of microbiology in Marmara University in Istanbul, the Department of padiatrics in Santa Casa de Misericordia in Sao Paulo and Princess Alice Hospice in London. During his time on those internships, he extended his medical knowledge with international experiences.
Vid Matišić, M.D. was awarded special Rector’s award in the academic year 2018/2019.
He had published research articles in most significant indexed journals and scientific bases (CC – Current Contents Clinical Medicine). He had participated in many conferences during his student years and was a member of the ISABS 2019 conference organizing committee.
He is a member of the medical committee of the Croatian fencing federation, whose member he has been for many years, both as a national team member and as a coach for young fencers.
His field of interest includes radiology, personalized medicine, pharmacogenomics, new technology and the digitalization of medicine.