Team of Experts -> Prof. Renata Zadro, Ph.D.

Prof. Renata Zadro, Ph.D.

specialist in medical biochemistry and laboratory medicine

Renata Zadro is specialist in medical biochemistry and laboratory medicine whose activities at work include implementation of the program of highly differentiated laboratory diagnostics in clinical chemistry, hematology and coagulation, development of molecular methods for the diagnosis of leukemias, lymphomas and hereditary coagulation disorders and organization and participation in continous eduaction courses in clinical laboratory diagnostics. She is a Full Professor  teaching in undergraduate and postgraduate courses (Hematology, Coagulation, Molecular diagnostics) at Zagreb University Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry and School of Medicine.

Renata Zadro graduated in 1978 at the Zagreb University Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry; Internship at Clinic for Traumatology (1979); Postgraduate study in Medical Biochemistry at the University of Zagreb. Master’s Thesis at  Rudjer Bošković Institute (1981); Specialist exam and Ph.D. Thesis in Medical Biochemistry in 1992; Postdoctoral study at University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, Texas, USA (1992-1994); From 1995 to 2020 she was appointed as Head of the Hematology and Coagulation Division at Department of Laboratory Diagnostics, University Hospital Center Zagreb. Also, since 1997 at Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry, now as Full Professor, courses Hematology, Immunohematology and Coagulation. Participation and organization of over 50 national and international scientific meetings. Author of 60 scientific papers and 25 chapters in books and textbooks used in university teaching and continous education. Membership in Croatian Society and Chamber of Medical biochemists, International Society on Thrombosis and Hemostasis, Croatian Society for Hematology, European Leukemia Network and Croatian Cooperative Group for Hematologic Diseases.

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