Team of Experts -> Majda Plišić, univ. mag. dent. med.

Majda Plišić, univ. mag. dent. med.

Specialist in Dental Prosthetics

She graduated from the Faculty of Dentistry at the University of Zagreb in 2010. After a year of internship, during which she also volunteered in private practice, she obtained her license for independent work. During her 12 years of work experience, she has worked in several larger private practices and polyclinics in Zagreb. For the last eight years, she has been working exclusively with dental prosthetics, large functional implant-prosthetic rehabilitation, and aesthetic minimally invasive prosthetic solutions. 

In 2018, she started specializing in dental prosthetics and passed her specialist exam in 2021. 

In 2023, she finished the postgraduate specialist study in Dental Implantology. 

She has also been continuously educated in several domestic and foreign work courses. The one that stands out most is the Master Program of Aesthetic and Functional Rehabilitation at the Fradeani Education (ACE Institute in Italy). Other CERP courses she attended are Model Management in Zagreb, 3D Imaging and Diagnostics, organized by the Nordic Institute of Dental Education, and Use of Lasers in Dentistry, organized by the World Clinical Laser Institute. 

She is a member of the Croatian Chamber of Dental Medicine (HKDM) and the Croatian Prosthetics Society (HDSP). 

She has received the "Best Doctor Award" for the last five consecutive years, which is an award chosen by patients exclusively.  

She is meticulous and patient in her work and approaches each patient individually to find the optimal functional and aesthetic solution.

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