Team of Experts -> Jana Mešić, M.D.

Jana Mešić, M.D.

Dr. Jana Mešić was born on February 14, 2000, in Zagreb, where she graduated from Lucijan Vranjanin Gymnasium in 2018. That same year, she enrolled in the integrated undergraduate and graduate medical program at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Rijeka.

During her studies, she actively participated in organizing student and international medical congresses, and worked as a teaching assistant at the Department of Anatomy. In the last two years of her studies, she served as class representative and a member of the Student Assembly and Faculty Council, actively contributing to the work of faculty bodies.

Her strong interest in scientific research is evident through her role as a representative of the student section of the scientific journal Medicina Fluminensis. Additionally, she founded the Student Section for Orthopedics and Traumatology, where she served as president and organized professional workshops and educational events.

Her volunteer work includes engagements in the Department of Traumatology at the Rijeka Clinical Hospital Center and the Department of Orthopedics at St. Catherine Specialty Hospital. Throughout her studies, she regularly attended professional congresses and seminars in the fields of orthopedics and traumatology, continuously expanding her knowledge and honing her skills.

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