Team of Experts -> Dr. Marko Lukić, M.D., Ph.D.

Dr. Marko Lukić, M.D., Ph.D.

FEBO FASRS, Consultant Ophthalmologist

Dr. Marko Lukić was born on February 20, 1984, in Zagreb. He spent his childhood, elementary, and high school education in Pula. He enrolled in the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Zagreb in 2003 and completed it in July 2009 with the highest honor. He completed his training in ophthalmology according to the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Croatia program in 2014. In May of the following year, he passed the European Board of Ophthalmology exam and was designated with the title of Fellow of the European Board of Ophthalmology. In mid-2018, Dr. Lukić passed the subspecialty exam in the area of the posterior segment of the eye in front of the Commission of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Croatia. Then, at the end of 2020, Dr. Lukić obtained the ICO (International Council of Ophthalmology) certificate based on the internationally passed subspecialty exam in the field of retina. In November 2021, Dr. Lukić defended his doctoral dissertation and was designated Doctor of Science. In May of 2022, Dr. Lukić was awarded the title of Fellow of the American Society of Retina Specialists, becoming the first Croatian ophthalmologist with that title.

In January 2016, he began his fellowship in medical retina, which he completed within the designated year. In January 2017, he started his second fellowship in clinical research in the medical retina. At the beginning of the same year, he began working as a Consultant for the medical retina and uveitis at Moorfields Eye Hospital, which is considered one of the most prestigious eye hospitals in the world and has the most comprehensive research center in the field of ophthalmology.

He is a member of eminent professional societies such as the Royal College of Ophthalmologists, the American Society of Retina Specialists (ASRS), EURETINA, and ARVO. He is an active member of the Croatian Ophthalmological and Optometric Society, where he serves as a member of the Board of Directors of the Section for Retina and Secretary of the Section for Uvea.

He has spent most of his scientific activity researching the effectiveness of drugs in treating diabetic macular edema and wet macular degeneration in so-called real-world conditions, and the results have been published in prestigious ophthalmology journals (Retina, European Journal of Ophthalmology). Dr. Lukić is also a reviewer for prestigious ophthalmology journals, the Retina Journal and the European Journal of Ophthalmology.

He is part of the team of the Moorfields Eye Hospital and Google (Deep Mind) project that developed an artificial intelligence system for recognizing pathological conditions of the posterior segment of the eye. The results of that work were published in the journal Nature Medicine, where Dr. Lukić was one of the co-authors.

He lectures on postgraduate studies in Ophthalmology and Optometry at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Zagreb, on modules in the area of the Retina at the University College of London, UK, and regularly participates as a lecturer at numerous international congresses and modules.

In addition to all of the above, Dr. Lukić also works as an expert witness as part of British Medical Experts. He is a co-head of digital diagnostic clinics for the southern division of the Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Trust, where he participated in the organization and development of protocols for the work of virtual clinics based on telemedicine principles. Based on the experience above, Dr. Lukić founded European Medical Consultants, company which offers second opinions on a peer-to-peer basis, following teleophthalmology principles.

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