Centres of Excellence -> Plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery -> Breast augmentation

Breast augmentation

Breast augmentation is one of the most frequently performed aesthetic surgeries today. Although it seems simple, the choice of different details of this surgery is very large, and when choosing the type of procedure, you must decide on several important characteristics of the type of implant as well as the method of their installation.

Which implant do you want?

When you think about the type of implant you will choose, you must keep in mind several of their characteristics that will influence your choice, namely the shape of the implant, the size of the implant, the material with which the implant is coated and the material with which the implant is filled. There are two basic types of implants; round and anatomical, and their choice depends both on your personal wishes and on the characteristics of your body, the most of which is the distance from the nipple to the top of the sternum.

Likewise, the choice of size will be a consequence of your wishes, but also the current size of your breasts, i.e. their diameter. Given that implants for each breast diameter come in 4 different sizes (projections), the size range you can choose from is actually quite large.

Considering the materials with which the implants are filled and covered, the implants filled with cohesive silicone gel and covered with a textured silicone sheath are most often used today, which almost eliminates the possibility of capsular contraction. Capsular contraction is a serious, but fortunately rare late complication of breast augmentation today, in which it sags against the hardening of the capsule that the body creates around the implant. In special cases, implants coated with polyurethane foam, as well as implants filled with physiological solution, are also available.

Where and how is the implant placed?

Breast implants can be placed on the pectoral muscle, i.e. under the glandular tissue and under the pectoral muscle. The choice depends to some extent on your preferences, playing sports, but also on your objective characteristics, the most important of which is the thickness of the subcutaneous fatty tissue in the upper half of the breast. Namely, if this layer of tissue is too thin, there is a danger that the upper edge of the implant, i.e. the transition from the pectoral muscle to the implant, can be seen with implants placed on the pectoral muscle. In such cases, we will most often advise you to place the implant under the pectoral muscle. In most cases, the installation of the implant itself is done through an incision made in the inframammary groove, that is, through the fold where the skin of the breast passes into the skin of the chest. In this way, the scar, which is usually about 6 cm long, is completely invisible and hidden in the crease. In some cases, implants can be inserted through an incision that goes along the lower edge of the nipple or in the armpit.

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Foto 1: Implants can be placed on the pectoral muscle, i.e. under the glandular tissue and under the pectoral muscle, Foto 2: An incision that goes along the lower edge of the nipple or in the armpit

What to expect before surgery?

During the examination, the doctor will explain all the details of the surgery, advise you on the choice of the type and size of the implant, and familiarize you with the postoperative protocol. You will also talk to the doctor about your medical history, the medications you are taking that may need to be changed in the period around the surgery, any drug allergies and your habits such as smoking, which may also have an effect on the outcome of the surgery. You will be given a list of tests to be done before the surgery.

What does the day of surgery look like?

On the day of surgery, it is important that you do not take food at least 6 hours before the agreed time of surgery and clear liquids at least two hours before. If you have an increased risk of developing deep vein thrombosis of the legs, we will ask you to visit the hospital the evening before the surgery in order to receive a medicine that will prevent the formation of clots in your legs during the surgery. After the surgery, you will stay in the hospital for some time until the anesthesiologist assesses that you are ready to be discharged, and if necessary, you may stay in the hospital until the next morning. At discharge, you will have two drains connected to two plastic bottles. They serve to ensure that the liquid that usually accumulates around the implant after surgery is not retained in your body, but is emptied into vials. Before you are discharged home, we will place you in a special bra that is used to hold the implants in a good position until the body creates an envelope around them, which usually takes about 6 weeks.

What after surgery?

Drains are removed at the first check-up, which is usually 2-3 days after surgery. You can shower freely seven days after the surgery. The return to lighter physical activities is expected within 2 weeks, while for more difficult physical activities you should wait 4-6 weeks. It is important to pay attention that in the first month after the surgery you do not sleep on your chest because this can lead to displacement of the implant, especially if you have anatomical implants. You should also pay attention to the care of the scar, which from the third week after the surgery needs to be massaged twice daily with a moisturizing cream.

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