Treating sexually transmitted infections
Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are infections transmitted through sexual contact. The risk of infection is higher among young individuals who engage in sexual activity early, frequently change partners, and do not use protection (condoms). However, individuals of any age are not exempt; in fact, the consequences can be significant at any stage of life. Accurate diagnosis and treatment of STIs are crucial to prevent complications and safeguard health.
Symptoms of infection
In some cases, sexually transmitted infections do not cause symptoms, or the symptoms are nonspecific, making them difficult to recognize. When symptoms are present, they commonly include the following:
Among women:
• increased vaginal discharge
• difficult and painful urination
• itching and redness of the genital area
• growths in the genital region
• pain and bleeding during intercourse
Among men:
• discharge from the urethra
• difficult and painful urination
• redness and itching of the genital area
• growths in the genital region
It is important to emphasize that any skin changes around the genitals and anal area can be potential symptoms of infection, as well as signs of a skin condition located in the genital area that may not be sexually transmitted. Therefore, a thorough examination is the primary guideline for an accurate diagnosis.
Treatment of sexually transmitted infections:
Some of the sexually transmitted infections we treat at our Dermatology and Venereology Center:
- Treatment of genital HPV infections:
Currently, there is no specific antiviral treatment for genital HPV infections, which by no means implies that they should not be treated. Therefore, treatment often involves the removal of skin and mucosal changes that are indicative of 'active' genital HPV infection. The treatment of genital HPV infections is typically a prolonged and repetitive process, with sometimes modest results and frequent recurrences. Cryotherapy with liquid nitrogen is commonly used, along with procedures such as excision, electrocoagulation, or thermocoagulation. Local chemical therapy with cytotoxic agents is also applied. In certain indications, especially in the case of meatal condylomas (condylomas located at the beginning of the urethra), laser therapy may be indicated, along with consultation with a urologist, depending on the specific situation of each patient. The choice of treatment often depends on the localization and type of changes, the experience of the physician, the patient's preference for a particular type of treatment, etc.
- Treatment of pubic lice infestation:
The diagnosis is made by carefully examining the pubic hair for nits or adult lice. Infected hairs can be removed with scissors and examined closely under a light microscope. Treatment is local, with the application of permethrin-based products or shampoos containing permethrin or lindane. It is essential to examine and, if necessary, treat the partner.
Examinations and services:
- • cryotherapy for condylomas, molluscum, or appropriate lesions
- • excision
- • ablation
- • application of medication for local treatment
- • toileting, dressing changes, excisions, and similar procedures
- • application of infiltrative and/or local anesthesia
- • specimen collection for swabs (urethral, anal, mucosal, and skin swabs)
- • magnified examination (peniscopy) with prior application of 3-5% acetic acid for detecting HPV-suspected lesions.
Our team of experts will provide you with a safe and confidential environment to discuss your symptoms, testing, and treatment. With the latest medical methods and technologies, we ensure an individualized approach to each patient to achieve the best results.