Chemical peeling
What is chemical peeling?
Chemical peels involve the application of a "chemical agent" to the skin for the purpose of exfoliation, thickening of the skin surface or skin damaged by the sun, skin that has scars or changes after acne treatment, hyperpigmentation of the skin, etc., by lightly abrading the surface layer of the skin, allowing the skin to breathe. and absorbs recommended skin care products more easily. It also stimulates collagen production for firmer skin. The popularity of chemical peels is still present, regardless of the large number of lasers that have become an accepted method for treating wrinkles and brown spots, but mainly, depending on the amount of wrinkles present and the desired result, chemical peels still play a significant role in restoring the skin's surface.
How is chemical peeling performed?
First, the skin needs to be cleaned with alcohol, then chemical peeling is applied, which leads to burning of the skin. After achieving the appropriate effect, depending on the type of peeling, a neutralizer solution is applied to the skin, which neutralizes the acid and stops its action.
After chemical peeling, it is mandatory to apply creams with a protective UVA/UVB total block (SPF 50+) factor for 14 days, and for deeper peelings, a longer time is required.
Very strong peelings are done mainly in the winter months and lead to complete peeling of the surface layer of the skin. Sometimes with one treatment, and sometimes with 2-3 treatments, deep scars from severe forms of acne, but also shallow solar keratoses, which many young people, especially women, are known to have after pregnancy can be completely removed. Then they appear in abundance, but they are more often triggered by frequent exposure to the sun from childhood.
For an optimal effect, it is necessary to do a minimum of 4 peelings.
Preparation before treatment
Preparation for the mentioned treatment begins about 6 weeks before the treatment, considering that proper preparation improves the health and quality of the skin and reduces the possibility of unwanted consequences. Chemical peels are recommended to be done in autumn, winter and spring, because then there is less exposure to UV radiation and, consequently, a lower risk of hyperpigmentation. However, some of the milder acids used in chemical peels can also be used during the summer without any side effects with, of course, high SPF 50+ sun protection.
Indications for chemical peeling treatment
- Photoaging
- Acne
- Acne scars
- Shallow wrinkles
- Actinic keratoses
- Hyperpigmentation
- Very shallow solar or seborrheic keratoses on the body and face.