Centres of Excellence -> Minimally Invasive Surgery -> Hemorrhoid surgery - laser

Hemorrhoid surgery - laser

In our institution, we prefer minimally invasive procedures, primarily laser hemorrhoidoplasty, because it provides excellent results in terms of less postoperative pain, less use of postoperative analgesia and faster return to normal activities. This method gives the best results in second and third degree hemorrhoids, and is performed as part of a one-day surgery.

The procedure itself, LHP (laser hemorrhoidoplasty) is performed under short-term general anesthesia or spinal anesthesia. After a minimal incision of the skin, a laser probe is inserted into each hemorrhoidal node to its base, and the application of the laser coagulates the blood vessel that supplies the hemorrhoid. Already during the procedure there is a reduction in the volume of the node by 30-40%, and over the next few weeks there is a complete regression of hemorrhoids. If there is a prolapse component of hemorrhoids, a suture can be placed to prevent prolapse (hemorrhoidopexy).

Candidates for laser treatment

  • patients with grade 2 and 3 hemorrhoidal disease
  • bleeding from hemorrhoids
  • burning, itching, discomfort

Preoperative preparation

It starts after making a decision on joining the recommended operative procedure and agreeing on the date of the operative procedure, and it is necessary to perform:

  • internal medicine preoperative examination (persons older than 65 years)
  • X-ray of the heart and lungs (persons over 65 years of age)
  • laboratory tests: KKS, Na, K, GUK, PV, APTV, fibrinogen, urine biochemical,
  • KG and Rh factor, ECG
  • examination by an anesthesiologist with all collected findings
  • at the anesthesiologist's examination you will agree with the anesthesiologist the type of anesthesia with which you will be anesthetized during the operation, depending on your wishes and the anesthesiologist's recommendation
  • preparation of the digestive tract the day before surgery (as recommended by a doctor, surgery specialist)
  • it is necessary to come to the procedure on an empty stomach (nothing on the mouth after midnight)

The course of the procedure

The procedure is performed under general intravenous or spinal anesthesia, through minimal openings near the anus, so that there are no incisions or surgical wounds.

The hemorrhoidal nodule itself is reduced, without damaging the surrounding tissue. The branches of the inferior and lateral hemorrhoidal arteries are obliterated (closed with laser beams), while preserving the mucosa and anal sphincter. Also, the desired tissue response to the laser beam develops within 6 weeks after the procedure.

Recovery after surgery

Compared to all other surgical procedures, this method is by far the most popular with patients, precisely because of its minimal invasiveness and minimal post-operative pain.

Return to all life and work activities is possible a few days after this treatment.


As with all surgical procedures in this region, bleeding of varying magnitude is possible. However, with proper preparation of the patient and adequately performed technique by an experienced surgeon, this complication is negligible.

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