Centres of Excellence -> Women’s Health -> Removal of Growths from the Vulva (Fibromas, Atheromas, Lipomas, Suspicious Changes)

Removal of Growths from the Vulva (Fibromas, Atheromas, Lipomas, Suspicious Changes)

All suspicious changes on the vulva, vagina, and cervix need to be biopsied (taking a sample with biopsy forceps). Confirming the diagnosis provides information about whether it is a benign, premalignant, or malignant alteration.

If it is a question of benign changes such as inflammation, dermatitis, atrophy, and similar conditions, the treatment is directed towards conservative methods (antibiotics, antifungal, and corticosteroid preparations).                                      

When it comes to benign tumors (fibromas, atheromas, lipomas, and Bartholin's Gland cysts), surgical treatment (removal) is necessary.

Precancerous changes are completely removed with a wide excision "to healthy tissue." Malignant vulvar diseases are rare, occurring in about 2/100,000 women, and are treated with more radical surgical procedures.

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