Centres of Excellence -> Individualized & Preventive Medicine -> Genome4All test

Genome4All test

Only one test can reveal if you have a higher risk of developing cancer, obesity, and endocrinological and cardiovascular diseases.

Test yourself and personalize your treatment!

Genetic testing is recommended for you in case you or a member of your immediate family has a diagnosis, or in case there is a suspicion of a higher risk of developing cancer, obesity, and endocrinological and cardiovascular diseases.

Identifying family members at risk is one of the benefits of genetic testing. The results of genetic tests can have an impact on the tested patient, as well as members of his family. In case of a positive test result (when you have been diagnosed with a pathogenic gene variant or a variant of uncertain significance (VUS)), your family members have up to a 50% chance of having the same gene variant. Family testing can identify other family members who are at risk for the same medical condition. Family members who also have positive tests can work with their physicians on early prevention and treatment plan.

Who are the candidates for the Genome4All test?

Candidates for the Genome4All test are:

  • healthy individuals who want to find out the risk of developing cancer, or heart disease or find out whether you are a carrier of mutations that could cause diseases in your children
  • healthy individuals who have relatives in the family suffering from various types of cancer, heart disease, metabolic disorders, etc.
  • individuals with the diagnosis who want to find out if there is a genetic cause for their condition and to check the possibility of personalized treatment
  • parents planning a family to find out if they are carriers of mutations that could cause serious hereditary diseases in their future children
  • children suffering from rare, hereditary diseases for the possibility of personalized treatment
  • children with rare diseases which were not yet been discovered by classical clinical examinations

Which genes does the Genome4All test cover?

With the Genome4All test, you can find out information about over 20,000 of your genes, which enables timely prevention and diagnosis of the risk of developing the most common diseases today. Also, the Genome4All test can help physicians to diagnose rare, hereditary disorders and diseases whose symptoms can appear in early infancy and during adulthood. This test enables the testing of over three billion base pairs, which can help physicians to understand the molecular basis of all biological processes, disorders, and diseases.

Why opt for Genome4All testing?

Each of us can be a healthy carrier of an inherited disease without being aware of it. Knowing your carrier status, especially when anticipating future pregnancies, is crucial medical information for preventing the development of autosomal recessive and X-linked diseases in children whose parents are healthy.

In healthy individuals, the Genome4All test enables the proactive detection of inherited risks for tumor development in all organ systems, sudden cardiac death, cardiovascular diseases, obesity, and endocrine disorders. Recent scientific literature suggests a new integrated concept of diagnosing and treating cardiac conditions with an increased risk of sudden cardiac death, based on the principles of personalized medicine and involving whole-genome sequencing. It is important to highlight that, according to available scientific literature, around 2,400 athletes have died from sudden cardiac death in the last 30 years in sports alone.

A multicenter scientific study published in the "JAMA Oncology" journal, conducted on a population of 2,984 patients with oncological diseases (solid tumors), reveals that every eighth patient, or 13.3% of cancer patients, has an inherited mutation (pathogenic variant) in genes associated with an elevated risk of cancer from birth. Genetic testing can provide a better understanding of the risk and enable early intervention, improving treatment outcomes and reducing the risk of cancer development.

Furthermore, the analysis of the tumor genome (tumor DNA) can reveal specific mutations responsible for the abnormal growth and survival of tumor cells. This allows a personalized approach to treatment. Personalized therapies targeting specific mutations can be determined based on the genetic profile of the tumor.

The power of Genome4All analysis

Genome4All test analyzes 10,000 times more DNA than traditional genetic tests.

Genome4All test use novel molecular diagnostics: next-generation sequencing. Whole genome sequencing (WGS) is a comprehensive method for analyzing the entire (100%) genome. Genomic information is crucial for identifying hereditary disorders and detecting mutations that can increase the risk or promote the development of malignant diseases, cardiovascular diseases, and obesity.

The Genome4All test basic package consists of three comprehensive reports (1349 genes):

  • Carrier Screening Panel: analyzes 302 genes to assess the likelihood of passing on genetic diseases from parents to future offspring.
  • Hereditary Cancer Panel: analyzes 526 genes to assess the risk of developing inherited tumors.
  • Cardiometabolic Disorders Panel: analyzes 523 genes associated with cardiovascular and cardiometabolic diseases to evaluate the risk for such disorders.


How to do a Genome4All genetic test?

In the St. Catherine Specialty Hospital, the test results will be available in a period of 15 weeks after the blood sample is taken.

The process of taking blood is simple, quick and you don't need to be fasting. To make it easier for the laboratory when taking the sample, it is recommended to be well hydrated. A disposable sterile needle and a vacuum tube are used for blood sampling. After the blood collection is completed, it is important for the patient to keep his arm outstretched for 5 minutes and to press a cotton pad on the injection site with the other hand. Contact us with confidence!

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