Centres of Excellence -> Radiology & Imaging -> Color Doppler of the Iliac Veins and Arteries

Color Doppler of the Iliac Veins and Arteries

Color Doppler of the iliac veins and arteries is a diagnostic ultrasound examination that evaluates blood flow through the arteries and veins in the iliac area. This procedure is used to detect atherosclerotic changes, arterial narrowing or dilation, and to diagnose venous thrombosis, varicose veins, and other blood flow disorders in the iliac blood vessels.

When to perform a Color Doppler of the Iliac Veins and Arteries? 

A Color Doppler of the iliac veins and arteries is recommended if you experience symptoms such as iliac pain, leg swelling, a feeling of heaviness or discomfort in the pelvis, skin discoloration or if there is suspicion of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) or varicose veins. The procedure is also useful for monitoring conditions after iliac surgeries or evaluating venous insufficiency.

What does the Color Doppler of the Iliac Veins and Arteries look like? 

This examination is painless and safe. It is performed using an ultrasound probe applied to the patient’s skin, which is coated with a gel to enhance the transmission of ultrasound signals. The device displays the patency of blood vessels, as well as the direction and speed of blood flow, allowing for an accurate diagnosis.

How to prepare for a Color Doppler of the Iliac Veins and Arteries? 

No special preparation is required for a Color Doppler of the iliac veins and arteries.

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