Centres of Excellence -> Radiology & Imaging -> Color Doppler of Iliac Arteries

Color Doppler of Iliac Arteries

Color Doppler of iliac arteries is an ultrasound examination used to assess blood flow through the arteries in the iliac region. This procedure is utilized to detect atherosclerotic changes, arterial narrowing or blockage, aneurysms, and other conditions that may affect blood circulation in the iliac and lower extremities.

When to perform a Color Doppler of Iliac Arteries? 

A Color Doppler of iliac arteries is recommended for symptoms such as iliac or lower extremity pain, a sensation of coldness or numbness in the legs, skin discoloration, slow-healing wounds, or when there is a suspicion of atherosclerosis and other vascular diseases. The test is also useful for monitoring conditions after vascular surgeries or diagnosing reduced blood supply (ischemia) in the iliac area.

What does the Color Doppler of Iliac Arteries look like? 

The procedure is safe, painless, and non-invasive. It is performed using an ultrasound probe placed on the patient’s skin, which is coated with a gel to enhance the transmission of ultrasound waves. The screen displays the patency of arteries, as well as the direction and speed of blood flow, enabling precise diagnosis.

How to prepare for a Color Doppler of Iliac Arteries? 

No special preparation is required for a Color Doppler of iliac arteries.

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