
We are introducing Stefan Dimov, M.D.

We are introducing a new member of Centre for Minimally Invasive Surgery

Stefan Dimov, M.D. graduated from the Medical Faculty in Bulgaria in 2010. He completed a specialist postgraduate study in Abdomina /Digestive Surgery at the University of Rijeka in 2020, and in the same year he completed a specialization in Abdominal/Digestive Surgery at the University Hospital Center Zagreb. during which he performed the largest number of surgical procedures performed as part of the One-Day Surgery - hernia surgery, proctologic casuistry, pilonidal sinuses, anal fissures, etc.

His special areas of interest are proctology, one-day and minimally invasive surgery, laparoscopy, abdominal wall hernias, oncological surgery, colorectal cancer, biliary surgery.

Read more at: Stefan Dimov, M.D., specialist in abdominal/digestive surgery

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