
St. Catherine hospita awarded a prestigious european award

‘St. Catherine’ Specialty Hospital was awarded the prestigious ‘Best Regional Hospital Award’ at the ceremony in London. With this award, ‘St. Catherine’ was recognized for the excellence in work at European level in the quality of service provided.

Catherine’ Specialty Hospital Ms. Jadranka Primorac  was awarded “Manager of the Year 2016” for business excellence . The award is traditionally given by the European Business Assembly, Oxford, UK. This new European award is yet another confirmation of high standards of business and entrepreneurial initiatives, as well as high standards of service which the Hospital provides to their patients, especially on the international market. The awards were presented by Prof. John Netting, General Director of Europe Business Assembly and Dr. Vincenzo Costigliola, President of the European Medical Association. The awards ceremony was attended by leading professionals of the business world from around 40 countries of Europe, Africa, Asia, South and North America


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