
Prof. Tejas Patel visiting St. Catherine

Prof. Tejas Patel visited our Hospital.

Prof. Tejas Patel, president of “Apex Heart Institute” and one of the World’s leading interventional cardiologists well known for his groundbreaking work in transradial interventions, visited St. Catherine Specialty Hospital, the European Center of Excellence.

He is recognized as one of the world’s pioneers in the field of Transradial Approach (angiography, angioplasty, and stenting through the wrist artery) and has experience doing more than 100,000 cath lab procedures with 65,000 of them through the transradial route, which is unique and makes him one of the most experienced practitioners in the world.  With his friend and colleague Prof. Dragan Primorac, he discussed collaboration in the field of personalized medicine, including pharmacogenomics and novel genetic testing (analysis of 294 genes) to prevent Sudden Cardiac Death.

In the photo with prof. Dragan Primorac and cardiologists: Morana Kasunić Jelić, M.D., associate professor Jozica Šikić and Dario Jelić, M.D.

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