
Dragan Primorac, M.D, Ph.D., welcomed taekwondo champions

Prof. Dragan Primorac, M.D, Ph.D., welcomed taekwondo champions and on behalf of the Croatian Olympic Committee awarded them gold coins

Prof.dr. Dragan Primorac welcomed our taekwondo fighters at Zagreb Airport and, on behalf of the COC Council, presented gold coins to Mateja Jelić, Toni Kanaeta, Toni Tomas and Veljko Laura.

Prof. Primorac is a junior vice-champion of the former state in taekwondo, a member of the COC Council and one of the pioneers of Croatian taekwondo, which in 1987 founded the TKD club Kocunar in Split, then the first WTF taekwondo club in southern Croatia.

S jednim od najuspješnijih svjetskih trenera čiji su natjecatelji osvojili četiri olimpijske medalje dragim prijateljem, Tonijem Tomasom.jpg
Prof. Dragan Primorac with one of the world's most successful coaches whose competitors won four Olympic medals, dear friend Toni Tomas.


Toni Tomas, Toni Kanaet, Matea Jelić and prof. Dragan Primorac.

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