
American academy presents one of most significant awards to prof. Dragan Primorac, MD, PhD

American academy of forensic sciences presents one of most significant awards to prof. Dragan Primorac, MD, PhD

Baltimore, 21 February 2019 - Based on a decision of the Board of Directors of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, one of the Academy’s most prestigious awards, the “Mary E. Cowan Outstanding Service Award,” was presented to Prof. Dragan Primorac, MD, PhD.

In their explanation, the Academy’s Awards Committee stated that this year’s award was bestowed upon Prof. Primorac, MD, PhD, for his excellence, international renown and enormous contribution to the development of forensic sciences.

Prof. Dragan Primorac, MD, PhD, is a physician, forensic scientist and geneticist who currently serves as Chair of the International Affairs Committee of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences (AAFS), President of the International Society for Applied Biological Sciences (ISABS), President of the Croatian Society of Human Genetics, President of the Croatian Competitiveness Cluster for Personalized Medicine and President of the Thematic Innovation Council for Health and Quality of Life in the Republic of Croatia. He is one of the first scientists in the world who began using DNA analysis for identification of war casualties from mass graves and has been one of the most distinguished forensic scientists-geneticists for years. According to the reviewers, his book “Forensic DNA Applications: An Interdisciplinary Perspective,” which was published in the USA a few years ago, is the most comprehensive volume in the field of forensic genetics yet published in the USA.

For over 20 years, in cooperation with the American Academy of Forensic Sciences and the leading American medical institution Mayo Clinic, he has been organizing symposiums in the field of personalized medicine, clinical and anthropological genetics, which have been attended by leading world scientists, including Nobel Prize Laureates. Prof. Primorac, MD, PhD, currently serves as the St. Catherine’s President of the Board of Trustees and he is one of the pioneers of introducing the concept of personalized (precision) medicine into clinical practice. The American Academy of Forensic Sciences, headquartered in Colorado Springs, is the most prestigious world organization in the field of forensic sciences, with more than 7,000 members from 50 US states, Canada and 74 other world countries. The Academy cooperates with American military personnel, officers of the state police, employees of the Department of Justice, the Office of the Attorney General, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Drug Enforcement Administration, judges, lawyers and scientists from leading American scientific institutions and universities.

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