
11th ISABS Conference in Split, Croatia

The gathering organized by Mayo Clinic announces the world scientific event of the year in Split

As an overture to one of the most significant and most prestigious scientific events this year - the “The 11th ISABS Conference on Forensic and Anthropological Genetics and Mayo Clinical Lectures in Individualized Medicine", on 16th June 2019 two joint meetings were held - the Mayo Clinic Short Course on Epigenomics and the Seventh Croatian Congress of Human Genetics.

The latest information and achievements in the field of epigenomics, under the leadership of Keith Robertson and Tamas Ordog, were presented by top and world renowned experts from Mayo Clinic, the largest and the most prestigious health institution in the United States. It is a very interesting and rapidly growing field of science related to the molecular mechanisms through which individual’s environment and lifestyle influence the expression of his genes. Namely, the answer to the question whether a certain person's illness will develop or not arises through the interaction between the environment and the genes. Also, the experts emphasized the great potential of epigenomic application in everyday clinical practice, particularly in the treatment of certain types of cancer, as well as so-called complex diseases, metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular diseases and diabetes. The way in which environmental impact on the gene expression is transmitted from generation to generation, i.e. inherited from parent to child, was particularly emphasized.

Seventh Croatian Congress of Human Genetics, organized by the Croatian Society for Human Genetics (HDHG) and chaired by prof. Dragan Primorac, gathered Croatian experts who discussed a number of interesting topics, from pharmacogenomics through gene therapy, next generation sequencing method, to the latest findings from the field of forensic genetics. This gathering was marked by the great recent success that happened on the initiative of HGHD and prof. Primorac about incorporating the specialist training in human genetics into the Bylaw on the specialist training of doctors, which is an extremely important formal assumption for an even more intensive development in this profession.

In the day before the opening ceremony of the 11th ISABS conference in Split, a world-wide scientific elite has already begun to gather and they will send messages about the latest scientific and medical achievements from pharmacogenomics, and personalized and regenerative medicine from Split to the world. The highlight of the Conference will take place on Wednesday (June 19th), when four Nobel Prize Laureates will give lectures and participate in a discussion on the impact of science and medicine on the future development of society. The TV show entitled Nobel Spirit, to be filmed in the cellar of Diocletian's Palace, will be broadcasted through the Croatian Radio-Television to over fifty European Broadcasting Union member states.

One of the specificities of the ISABS conference is that high school students, rewarded as part of the joint project of ISABS, the Ministry of Science and Education and the Education and Teacher Training Agency named Future Scientist Awards, will get a chance to meet in person with the Nobel Prize Laureates and top world scientists. Such a possibility confirms that Croatia can also develop as a society of knowledge and excellence.

The conference will take place from 17th to 22nd June in Split, organized by the International Society of Applied Biological Sciences (ISABS), St. Catherine Specialty Hospital and leading US hospital Mayo Clinic, in collaboration with the American Academy of Forensic Sciences.

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